Thursday, August 29, 2013

Chapter 9-2x the births

So I was just walking by when I saw a toy lift up in the air and the toy box open and the toy disappear! What the Heck?!?!??!?! Having kids had officially driven me crazy! I was so tired I was seeing things! Brianna told me not to worry and that it was her imaginary friend.  Right....................

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Any way!! I had some craving for ice cream so I sat down and enjoyed some ice cream. With a full tummy and a tummy getting bigger I crawled into bed for a nap. I woke up to feed Danny and Anna came over! Look at her belly! Look at us all matching!
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I felt my little grandchild kick! it was so amazing!!
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"Mom, I'm finally starting to grasp why you wanted to do this challenge. I would love to do this 100 times! I can't wait to see the life inside of me And  God has blessed me with a wonderful and loving mother."She said and rubbed her belly with admiration.
"Aww sweet heart thank you!Tell me that when you give birth."I joked.( can you tell I fun had editing the picture? lol)
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She is going to be so great with her little one!
I played with my little Danny and went back to my painting. I finished a painting worth 143$! Its my favorite one of a family member so far.(Taking pictures for her to paint is so hard!) 
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I had 1,110$! I bought the chemistry lab right away. Brianna went on a field trip to the science fair as I tried to make a potion.
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I spent most of my time trying to find a potion. The kids kept themselves busy, Anna played with Danny, Chris played with a friend and typical teenager, Brianna, slept.
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I was lost in my thoughts and trying to make a potion that sware  I almost had a heart attach when I heard screaming.
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I rushed over and started to panic like I hadn't had four kids and knew what to do. "AHHHHHHH!"
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I finally calmed down and drove her to the hospital.Three hours of holding my baby's hand we walked out with a baby. Anna gave birth to Lucas Bunch. Im so proud of her.
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I went home and ate. Brianna did a good job of taking care of the kids while I was gone. When I crawled into bed she took care of Danny.
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When I woke up Brianna was still home and she was needed  to be at school an 2 hours ago."What do you think your doing?" I said."Sorry mom." was all she said, and  I sent her off to school. Finally seeing her rebellious side come out.
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 I discovered the mood enhancer potion!  I then spent sometime teaching my boy to talk.
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I fed him him and crawled into the shower. I was about to ask how Chris's field trip was to the museum when contractions hit!
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(So when Anna got her contractions  i heard this creepy high pitched scream and I was like "Who is doing that?" well when Angelica started it happened again and found out it was Brianna! that girl can scare you crapless with her scream!)
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I gave birth to a little girl!  Emily Spear :) I like that name :) She got the snob and Virtuoso  trait.Another blue one! Well I never got a green one from Parker :/(At least I didn't get two green from accidnetly forgetting ot change his looks) Ill try again later.

(Thanks for reading!)
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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