Thursday, August 15, 2013

Chapter 7- Spraying water-Baby D!

I rubbed my belly and prayed a small prayer for the pregnancy to go well as Brianna talked to her Imaginary friend.
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I Cleaned house, and when I got to the sink i was happy to be done.
 Or so I thought....
Right after I cleaned it, it broke  :( Not cool!
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Anna did her homework right away so she could Call Ario.
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I had enough money to remodel and build a wall around the shower so i made a small room for the shower and toilet. Anna jumped in the shower right away.
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Anna is getting along great with her sister.
"Anna, do you think i am a loser?" She asked her sister.
"No I do not! you tell me if someone bullies you and I'll make sure they never will again!" She said angry at who would say stuff like like to her sister. She made a funny face to cheer up her sister.
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I then spent some time teaching my boy to walk."Say alarm sweetie!"
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Afterwards I took a much needed shower.Once I got out I admired my belly that was getting bigger with the life inside of me.
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After eating some soup and worked on my painting and finished it. The girls crawled into bed and fell asleep. Again it didn't turn out as i planned but at least this one isn't dark. It sold for $391.
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It was then time to each my boy to walk. I didn't get far but I made progress.
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I was about to go to bed when the toilet overflowed 
I fixed it as fast as I could.
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I was very tired but I wanted to get a table and chair. we finally don't have to eat on the toilet!! Anna was 'slightly' mad that Brianna got to the seat first.
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I took a small nap while Anna and Brianna took care of Chris. I woke up to find my daughter painting. I was very proud of her. When she finished it, it sold for 3 dollars. She also got to skill 1!"I know its not much mom but I wanted to help." Anna said."Oh sweet heart! You didn't have to do that but thank you!" I said with love and gave her a hug.
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"Want to do something fun?" I asked my daughter. She squealed,"Yes!". I had a lot of fun pillow fighting and chatting with my daughter. God has truly blessed me.
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I then helped my daughter get ready for Prom and got to work teaching my boy to talk. His first word besides mom was Art!
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The limo pulled up and I stopped real quick to give my daughter a hug and sent her off to prom. Look at them! He was a gentlemen and even bought her flowers.
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I made a face as the first contraction hit. I put it aside and kept teaching Chris to talk.
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Soon the pain was to munch the contractions were getting closer and I put Chris to bed So he didn't have to see the birth.
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Anna got home right has a big contraction hit."Mommy!! Are you okay?? DO I need ot call an ambulance?" She screamed terrified.
"No sweetheart, I will be fine take care of the kids and I will call you if i need you." I said and she did what I told her.
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Not long after I gave birth to a Healthy boy, Danny. 
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My first blue boy!
After danny was fed and asleep,Anna told me about Prom. She was sooo happy. Ario asked her to be his girlfriend!(She said yes of course!) He stuck to her the whole night and they had a blast dancing.
(Sorry if images are blurry I just heard about using tab, so images after this will be much more clear.)
(Thanks for reading!)
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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