My Rules

First off-NO CHEATS at all. this one will be very hard for me
She will start out on an empty lot with only 2,000$ to her name.
The husband will live next door and will only come over to have child and babysit(if money is under 75$) SO basically she will be single mother.
Husband will be randomized(unless I forget-lol) every time
The baby's will be named in Alphabetical order.
She will also be doing theses challanges at the same time and must finish before baby 100 is born.
Master EVERY
 skill there is.(level ten)(Base game skills-skills with any other expansion packs will be optional)
50 girls 50 boys
Still thinking of more challanges to do while doing 100 baby one(Got any? let me know)
I can  use lifetime points to get rewards.
I will only use testingcheatsenabled true to randomize Father and have birthdays.

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