Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chapter 5-Labor Pains-Surprise!

I patted my tummy and prayed to The Lord to bless me with a boy. Of course I will gladly take another girl.(And the toilet needs cleaned, again!To much throwing up!)  photo 27d30eef-2cb1-4714-8ca0-104b60bf7d57.jpg
I fed my dear Brianna and put her to sleep.I haven't done this since I moved to this house but when I crawled into bed, I slept a full eight hours! I was so happy Brianna slept through the night.
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Once I  pulled myseld out of bed, I changed Brianna's diaper and fed her, then I went and fed myself. Once Brianna was done she went and explored the new toy chest. She loved it!
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I then cleaned all the dishes, the sink and the toilet. Afterwards I finished teaching Brianna to talk. She calls her sister"Nawnaw"(Thats how she pronounces it) It the cutest thing! Don't be fooled at how calm i look with my hands disappearing in my  maternity dress. I was freaking out on the inside.
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 I then took  shower and started painting a Large painting, while Brianna played with her doll in the background.  photo 32dcda4e-8288-4b12-8b37-87c85bd7ff4d.jpg
While I painted Anna came home from school with a friend(A boy.....I'll be watching you Anna!). She has already made 3 friends so far, and I got a call today, Anna has made Honor Roll! She has made me pround. They did their home work then had some fun.  photo d44c53c1-6c44-44ca-9afd-e20bd17da2e2.jpg
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After eating some lunch my sister Bailey called. She was a young adult and out of the house! She was about to go on a date with her Fiance but said she would visit soon. I felt like trying on a swimsuit to show you how big,And sexy ;)  I am getting.
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 I then picked my girl and decided to show her the claw. She was terrified at first.
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But as soon as i started tickling her she giggled.  photo 5c98723d-8200-4f64-8e70-0faeb37b3e9a.jpg
After spending some sweet time with my daughters i fed and put Brianna to bed. When Brianna sleeps it's the best time to paint, so i painted till I couldn't keep my eyes open and took a small nap. Went back to painting and finished a painting worth 393$!
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I ate a PB&J. When I got done washing my dish in the sink I broke it! Whats with me and breaking things??
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Brianna woke up and i taught her to walk some more.
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I was almost done when I was to tired to teach her. I took a 2 hour nap, woke up to feed a screaming Brianna and went back to sleep. 2 hours later I woke up screaming  with Labor pains!
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4 Hours of horrible pain, I gave birth to my first boy Chris! One of these days I will get a baby with my skin color!
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Since I would be having birthdays soon I bought a bunk bed for when Brianna ages up.
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(Thanks for reading!) 
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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