Friday, August 23, 2013

Chapter 8-My first Child moves out :(

My mother called to ask if I had quit yet. She was shocked to know I had 4 kids already, and that I had money in my pocket. Bailey hasn't contacted me in a long time and I am very worried. I plan on seeing her as soon as possible.
While the  girls slept I finished potty traning Chris and took a small nap.
before I knew it, it was time for my children to grow up. I don't want Anna to grow up and leave me but it is the rules.
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Anna has turned into an amazing young lady. She is such a beauty and I hope Ario pops the question soon. She gained the Childish trait to go along with her other ones,Heavy sleeper, clumsy, mooch, and family-oriented. She wants to become an astronaut. (Sorry I forgot to upload her to the exchange :( I will let you know when she is available )
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Brianna got the rebellious trait if you couldn't tell. She cut her hair and threw out everything that wasn't black. I pray that she doesn't stray from the Lord but all i can do is love her. but of course you can wear black and Still love God, its her rebellious side I am worried about.
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Chris looks alot like his daddy.He got the artistic trait.
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Danny is just a little mini me!(Well boy mini me) He is such a cutie!
While I ate Anna took care of Danny, because Ario was at work and couldn't come over for a while. I will miss my girl so much when she moves out soon. 
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I ran to the bathroom but didn't make it! talk about embarrassing! And my children watched me so it was embarrassment level-10,000 (Not using cheats is hard! so use to using them, and I don't realize how hard it really is)
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Danny got a toy in the mail. Bailey says its his imaginary friend, but i can see him? its quite confusing.
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i took a shower and when I was making my way to my bed in exhaustion when  I passed out right on the cold ground. 
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I got up to put Danny to bed. I paid the bills  the went to crawl into my bed but found Chris sleeping in it! Anna was resting till Ario cam and so was Brianna. Anna got up and let me sleep in her bed.
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I woke up to a beautiful site! Ario proposing to Anna. She said yes and threw her arms around him. I smiled at my daughter, thanking the Lord for a wonderful Husband for my daughter.
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They wanted to get married right away and Anna had to leave soon anyway. "Mom I know we are having a private wedding but I want my family in it. So what do you say?" A tear fell down my face as i replied,"of course sweetheart!" I pulled Danny into my arms and Brianna stood to my left and Chris to my right as they said their vows. Anna was so excited she didn't notice she was wearing Pj's :p
(Forgot to change her form her PJ's to something more formal oops!)
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"I love you mom!" Anna said as she hugged me. I hugged her tight trying not to cry."I love to sweetheart, you can always call me. your free to visit and I will keep you in my prayers."
And with that she was gone with her new husband.
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I sat down and drank some juice before I started on a new painting. Next goal- Chemistry lab, logic and hopefully find out how to make a potion to turn an imaginary friend real, Brianna says I can figure it out.
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I had just started when I looked over and saw Brianna passed out! Poor girl was so tired from doing homework! Creepy part was she passed out in like the exact spot I did e.e
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I took a break to  Feed danny and eat . When I went back to painting Brianna took care of and played with Danny.(Scaring the poor kid with her make up is what she's doing! lol)
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I got real far on my painting and made it to skill 8! only 2 more to go! I watched Chris go off to his first day of school and finished my painting.
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I was famished by the time i was done and sat down to eat. I took a 2h nap and upgraded my toilet to self cleaning.
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I then headed over for some baby making in the shower!(Forgot to change him AGAIN! At least I didn't get a green baby last time) Baby E is in the oven!
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I ate and fed Danny before I went to sleep for 4 hours.
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Anna called to say she was coming over! I changed Danny's diaper and right whenI got done Anna came with some great news! Can you tell?
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It was short lived by me throwing up!
"Are you okay?Are you pregnant too mom?" Anna asked with concern.
"I think so." I said with a smile answering both questions.
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Anna went straight to playing with toys, you can tell she is childish but I think it will help her relate to her kids she will have.
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I then taught taught Danny to walk. he was such a fast learner!
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While I did that Anna wasn't feeling good so she rested.
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I had to show this ADORABLE picture of danny! Isn't he just so cute?
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I took care of my Danny and put him to bed. I then started a painting from memory
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But stopped because I got my baby bump! Bless the Lord!
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(Thanks for reading!)
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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