Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chapter 3-We can't use the toilet now......

I then bought a bed for Anna when she ages up. I also bought another crib for the new baby. I ate some cereal on the toilet and fed Anna.Once I was done I started painting because we needed money for a shower
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Anna is being really fussy, she wont need a thing but she sits there and crys. Since she was being fussy I took that time to potty train her.
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I  finished teaching her how to talk. Brianna had woken from her nap so I took care of her and snuggled her. Before I napped i checked the mail. I got a letter from Great Uncle Riley
I am so happy to hear about the challenge you are doing. I have sent Brianna a friend from my magic toy factory to keep Brianna company.Brianna should gain relationship with it and watch as the special gift unlocks as she ages.

I thought it was very nice of my Great Uncle to do that. I will give her the toy when she ages up.
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After my nap I ate and got my girls ready for their birthday. 
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Brianna looks like her daddy with his hair color(Dad has both girls hair color)
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Anna is a beauty with my brown eyes and her daddies hair color.

 took a 15 min nap and when I woke up I tried to use the bathroom but I couldn't because now that Anna is a child she has to leave the room for me to go, and its not placed in a room. I decided to postpone getting pregnant till i had enough money to put the toilet in a room. I went right to painting  photo 36a1aaf2-50c7-4e63-bc77-5b74bf33fbe2.jpg
Anna played in the sand as I painted. Brianna starting crying for food but when I was going to stop painting and go to her Anna cut me off, "Mom, I know you need money so keep on painting and I will feed Brianna." She said and got up to go to her sister."Thank you so much! You are so sweet!" I said to her, a tear almost forming in my eye. I thanked God for blessing me with a great child. 
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"Its okay, sister is here," Anna said as she hugged her sister and gave her a bottle.
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i gained a skill in painting, I an now level 5. I slept for 4 hours and got up to do a little bit of painting. I then looked at my lifetime points, I had 40,000 and decided to get Fast Learner. I went back to painting and painted till it was done and sold it for 133$. Brianna loves her doll very much. 
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I ate and changed Brianna's diaper before I took us all to the gym to shower and use the restroom, after i pee'd myself..........again  
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When we got home we were all exhausted from our day. I put my dear Brianna to Bed, and read my sweet Anna to sleep and finally crawled into bed.
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 woke up and sent my daughter to her first day of school
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When she left I had some cereal and changed Brianna's diaper and gave her her bottle. I then went to work painting, stopped to take care of my girl and went back to painting. it sold for $115. 
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I then went to the gym to use the bathroom and shower.WhenI got home I had a PB&J and took a small nap and went back to painting. i stopped to take care of Brianna and Anna got home and told me about a friend she made named Jenno. She went straight to her homework. 
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I then went to sleep but after and hour I had to wake up to take care of Brianna. I went back to sleep for 3 hours before I got up to finish my painting. it sold for $138 
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I drank sone juice and started a still like picture of Brianna. I fed Brianna and tried to sleep but got up to change Brianna's diaper.i then slept for 3 hours before I got up to eat some cereal.I was washing my hands when I broke the sink, I fixed it and gained a handiness skill. 
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i painted some more on the still life picture and gained skill level 7. After taking care of a screaming Brianna. I felt the deepest loneliness, I was dead tired, and tired of working by butt of for little money. I screamed at the sky and let out my anger. "Its going to be okay, lean on me" i felt a small voice say. I smile spread on my lips. I knew when my Savior, Jesus, my God, was speaking to me. "I can do this" I told my self as i put Brianna to bed and crawled into bed and slept for 3 hours before i got up to eat a PB&J.
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I chatted with my sister who was about to become a young adult. She told me she was going to be moving out with her fiance when she aged up. I was happy from her and we encouraged each other to move on. She told me mom was furious I already had two kids but I could let her get me down. I finished my still life and sold it for 36$.
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I got Anna report card. She got all A's! She is such a great helper.
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I painted and sold it for 117$. I finally can make a room for the toliet! Now I can have babies again!relief!(literally...relief!) 
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(Thanks for reading!) 
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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