Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chapter 2-making babies and making money-Baby B

I pulled my hair out of its ponytail and cut it shorter.What do you guys think?  photo 6ac270f1-81bc-4d5a-b4cb-2fe6d6216f7a.jpg 
I started a painting and took a little nap, after taking care of Anna, I went to the bathroom and clogged it. I wasn't very happy.(As you can tell lol)  photo 90b77f18-e11f-4960-b51b-753107a32690.jpg 
Anna is very fussy but such a sweet,cute little girl. She makes me so happy that I started this challenge.  photo 114014d8-6cf3-4c4a-a6db-7563c93797ff.jpg 
I bought a sink and a little potty so I could grow up my little girl. I cleaned the dishes right away. photo 30b1c6f2-7514-409a-838e-8db46d425112.jpg 
I took a small nap and took tare of Anna's needs.I took another small nap, because with a baby you can't get a goods nights sleep. I painted a picture worth 152$ and sold it.After resting my eyes and unclogging the toliet it was time for Anna's birthday. 
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                                                        She looks like a daddies girl! 
I then slept for five wonderful hours before I went to the gym with Anna to shower, witch I managed to break. Being nice, I fixed it up. 
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I then went home and started on a small painting to sell. 
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I then put Anna to sleep. 
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while Anna slept I took a nap and ate. after she woke up i went over ot my husbands house to make lullaby :) ( sorry-forgot to randomize him) photo e189893e-3890-46d9-aa8d-f45d8eb70f57.jpg 
He played with his little girl before we went home
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afterwards i took a shower at his house and we went home. I was so exhausted and fell asleep right when i got home. I woke up to throw up. lovely morning sickness!  photo b093fe52-7ddc-4ba4-8321-84b1cf87cdd3.jpg 
I continued a painting and sold it for 17$. I then taught anna how to walk. She was such a fast learner! 
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I had to stop teaching to throw up again. I then had some soup and went to bed. I was woken up with signs of my pregnancy! 
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I went back to sleep for about two hours before i woke up again to take care of my girl. I had some food and started a new painting as Anna played with her block toy.(I love the new pregnancy clothes that comes with generations and world adventures!) I sold it for 92$ 
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I was sooooo tired when I was done and my back ached. 
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After only a little nap, I couldn't put off showering forever. I went to the gym and showered.
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mamma is very tired! 
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I went home and ate some cereal and took a nap. When I got up I took care of my girl and started another painting, because we were running low on money. 
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I finished the painting and sold it for 109$ I then taught anna to talk.(For some dumb reason It didn't have a picture for it when I remember taking one) but heres me when i finished teaching her to talk. 
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I had just crawled into bed when contractions hit. I didn't want to leave my sleeping girl so I decided on home birth.
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4 hours later another bundle of joy came into the world, Brianna! photo 6a77d27c-7aae-42e3-9e28-64c474b5382c.jpg
(Thanks for reading!) 
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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