Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chapter 1: Moving in and Baby A

looked at my lot and at the 2,000 dollars in my hand. 'My mother sure wants me to fail' I thought to myself. 'But I will prove her wrong.' I told myself as I bought a few things for me. First I bought a crib for my little one to come, then I bought my bed. I got a toilet and frig . A shower will have to come later. For now, I will shower at the gym. I will buy a sink soon to do dishes but for now they will just have to pile up. I bought an easel so I could start making money.I was left with 470$ when I was finished.   photo a62e39e4-7314-4f08-8268-474ae68716e2.jpg
I went straight to painting. I painted for a strong 4 hours,gained a skill level, when I got hungry and had to use the toilet. After i was done I finished my painting and sold it for 16$.  photo 0a24aad3-91e6-4235-b99b-86e7c91a348f.jpg 
Afterwards I was happy that i painted my first painting but, i was dead tired. I couldn't sleep for long though ,because i had some babies to make. So I took a four hour nap.  photo 14415722-6c1d-461f-92b2-d04731bf606f.jpg
I called my boyfriend over to proposed to him. Even though he saw it coming, it still shocked him. My guess because I took the formal approach and knelt down in my sleepwear. He of course said yes 
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he knew I wanted to get started on the kids right away so we had a private little wedding. I saved a dress of mine and wore it. He wore blue for his love for me  
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After we got married, he had to go to work and I was tired and hungry. I ate some cereal on the toilet like a boss. I took a three hour nap afterwards. 
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I then got to work on my next painting, this one sold for 24$ photo 10539450-6d59-447d-8d05-24f46311846c.jpg
My husband called me to tell me he was home and i came over. 
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Oh sweet lullaby :)

I fell asleep right afterwards. I woke up and had to pee REALLY bad. Lets just saw i didn't make it and had to run to the gym for a shower.  
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I went home and had a Pb&J, and headed to the gym for a shower. I drank some coffee afterwards and headed home to paint. I gained another painting skill. 
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I then went to sleep, but was woken up with Nausea and ran to the toilet just in time! 
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I then went to sleep for 4 more hours.The day ahead of me I planned to paint alot. i ate breakfast before i started painting. I was up to painting skill number 3!! I took a short nap and went back to painting. I finished my painting and sold it for 96$.
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Right when I got done i noticed my belly bump. 
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After a good 6h sleep and went to tell my husband I was pregnant.
"Guess what?" I sang as I walked into the room. He rubbed his chin and pretended to think for a minute,"Hmm........ you saw a unicorn?" he said with a smile on his lips. "No you dummy! I'm pregnant!" I said with a giggle and gave him a tight hug."Im so happy sweetheart" he whispered in my hair. I finally pulled back to let him feel my tummy. 
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The school had called me and asked if I wanted to teach a painting class and improve my skill. So I walked to the school and taught little 1st graders how to paint. I walked out on skill number 4. 
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I then went to the gym and took a shower, and worked out for an hour. When I got home I ate some dinner and went to sleep.
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when I got up, my belly was bigger and my back was sooo sore. i ate my breakfast and paid my 12$ bills.I went to the gym and talked to people as I ate my breakfast. Some people loved what I was doing, other thought i was going to get myself killed. Maybe I was, or maybe I would defeat the odds and win. 
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I was very big and I would be giving birth soon. So I decided to work out till the baby was born. I worked out till I was tired and sore and on skill level three. 
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I went home and took a small nap, the baby still wasn't here. After getting up i decided to paint till the baby came and to get my thoughts on a different subject. 
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I hadn't painted munch when I got horrible pains in my stomach. I was having contractions!!!  photo ad862b0f-5f60-485c-9d1e-9c238c8e7c06.jpg
4 hours later, my first baby was born, My beautiful little girl, Anna.
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(Thanks for reading!) 
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

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