Thursday, October 3, 2013

Chapter 13-To Much Psych!

(Sorry this took awhile, just started new job and my cousins in town, sorry its short for such a long item without a post)
Birthday time!
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My baby George! Cutie!(Sorry its dark)
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Fred........MY GREEN CHILD! Can you tell I'm happy I made green? (I've never had two colors mix so Im a little happy ;)
He gained the athletic trait. Flippin cute that kid is.
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Emily is going to steal a boys heart!! She got the photographers eye.
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Danny, my boy! he got clumsy. Another good lookin blue child!
I passed out from all the hard work of giving birth.
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My green boy playing with his green toy :) SO FLIPPIN CUTE!
I got fertility treatment(IM SCARED!) and this awesome hover bed.
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After a nap and some food  I taught Emily to drive.(I have no idea where this car came from...........when the teach to drive thing came up I was like WHAT??  MAGIC!!!)
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*While I took a shower*
Emily-You stink, and so does Goerge. Whats with you guys??
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Danny-My psychic abilities tell me he needs to be changed and i need a shower.
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Emily-someones been watching to much Psych at their friends house.....
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"One second!"
After some food, it was time for my Danny to graduate.
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I am not wearing this filthy thing anymore!!
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Thats more like it :)
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Danny graduated with Merit and was voted Most Likely to Burn Down Their Own House.
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"I love you Danny very much!" I cried over his shoulder.
"I love you to mom. Please don't cry ill be fine,and I will keep in touch."
"I know you'll do fine, just make sure to take a shower."
He chuckled, hugged me once more, and left.
After a nap, and feeding George, I finished this painting worth $415
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I cleaned some dishes then put George to sleep. I painted another painting and sold it for $166.
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I painted George, what the...?
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George woke up from his nap and was really cranky, so I spent some time cuddling with him. I thanked God for him.
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After a nap,I went over to Parkers. And I have to say he is a hottie!
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While I was at Parkers the kids did their homework.
I got home and slept.
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I woke up with Nausea!
Thanks for reading!
Danny- is not uploading! I will let ya'll know when it works!

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