Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chapter 12-Good-Bye Hottie!

(Yes the font changed :)
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I changed my look again! You guys like?
After a shower, some food, and some rest, it was time for Birthdays!
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Fred, my cutie :) Still can't believe he's green :) Such a purty boy!
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Emily, what a darling! She got the Vegetarian trait, great!
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Danny, my boy! What a cute teenager he is! He also picked up the vegetarian trait!
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(Sorry, he was blinking and it was the only picture I got)
Chris :) 
Damm he's hot!
Oh and he got the Great Kisser trait..........
Going to have to keep an eye on him!
Chris earned skill 4 in painting and finished a painting worth 1394!
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Just look at that cutie play!
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I repaired the shower and took care of Fred. I started a painting and before I knew it i was hugging My son good-bye.
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"Don't forget to call me if you get a girl!"
"I  promise mom, thanks for being a great mom!"
Did you hear that guys?
I'm a great mom!
(He's so hot, Im going to miss him *sobs*)
I took a shower and slept, while I did that, Danny helped teach Fred to walk.
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I then headed over to Parkers to make his day ;)
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Again with the blinking! Pink hottie :)
While I painted and took care of Fred, Danny went to prom! By himself but still!
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 I sold my painting for 449$, sorry its dark! After some food, I took a nap. 
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I worked on teaching Fred to walk in between runs to the bathroom.
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I fed Fred and worked on my Guitar Skill.
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Emily was a great help and did some dishes.
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Finally my baby bump arrived!
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i started a large painting and Danny played Guitar.
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After a nap, I potty trained Fred.
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I finished teaching him to walk and taught him to talk. He learned to fast!
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Emily and Danny worked on their homework while i  painted. I slept and got up to take care of fred.
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I finished and sold my painting for $589.
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I had just started a new painting when contractions hit!
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Danny:What do I  do? AHHHHH!!!!
"Chill and let me give birth son!"
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And I have birth to George- Clumsy and good traits. Pink boy :)
Thanks for reading!
Pink Dad-
(Yellow dad is also in the exchange)

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