Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chapter 12-Good-Bye Hottie!

(Yes the font changed :)
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I changed my look again! You guys like?
After a shower, some food, and some rest, it was time for Birthdays!
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Fred, my cutie :) Still can't believe he's green :) Such a purty boy!
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Emily, what a darling! She got the Vegetarian trait, great!
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Danny, my boy! What a cute teenager he is! He also picked up the vegetarian trait!
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(Sorry, he was blinking and it was the only picture I got)
Chris :) 
Damm he's hot!
Oh and he got the Great Kisser trait..........
Going to have to keep an eye on him!
Chris earned skill 4 in painting and finished a painting worth 1394!
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Just look at that cutie play!
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I repaired the shower and took care of Fred. I started a painting and before I knew it i was hugging My son good-bye.
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"Don't forget to call me if you get a girl!"
"I  promise mom, thanks for being a great mom!"
Did you hear that guys?
I'm a great mom!
(He's so hot, Im going to miss him *sobs*)
I took a shower and slept, while I did that, Danny helped teach Fred to walk.
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I then headed over to Parkers to make his day ;)
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Again with the blinking! Pink hottie :)
While I painted and took care of Fred, Danny went to prom! By himself but still!
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 I sold my painting for 449$, sorry its dark! After some food, I took a nap. 
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I worked on teaching Fred to walk in between runs to the bathroom.
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I fed Fred and worked on my Guitar Skill.
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Emily was a great help and did some dishes.
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Finally my baby bump arrived!
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i started a large painting and Danny played Guitar.
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After a nap, I potty trained Fred.
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I finished teaching him to walk and taught him to talk. He learned to fast!
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Emily and Danny worked on their homework while i  painted. I slept and got up to take care of fred.
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I finished and sold my painting for $589.
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I had just started a new painting when contractions hit!
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Danny:What do I  do? AHHHHH!!!!
"Chill and let me give birth son!"
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And I have birth to George- Clumsy and good traits. Pink boy :)
Thanks for reading!
Pink Dad-
(Yellow dad is also in the exchange)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chapter 11-Same Flippin Spot!

When I got home from the doctors, Bailey put her little girl to sleep and I went to take care of my little girl. I found Emily playing in the toy box.
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While I showered and slept Chris worked on his homework.
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I went over to Parkers and guess what???
We actually made a lullaby!
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I came home, ate, and crawled into bed. Me and Bailey were exhausted so Chris took care of Angelica, he loves her.
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I got up and started working on finding the imaginary friend potion.
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I was stopped with....
Morning sickness!(Yes, Im happy, cause someone *cough* Parker *Cough* took forever!)
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I took a nap, was woken in between to puke and since I was so sick to sleep I started teaching my girl to walk.(When I should have been taking a shower)
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we didn't get far, she got the concept of standing up, just not walking. she would just stand and stare at me.
Chris went to a field trip that day after school. While I ate and showered Bailey took care of her bundle of joy and tried to find a job.
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So get this, I'm walking out of my shower and see this!
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He passed out in the same fricken spot I did and Brianna(Chap. 8) did! WTH?!?!(I sware Im not trying to do this!)
My stomach finally felt better so I went to sleep. Bailey did the sweetest thing! She helped teach Emily to walk. She's not all the way taught but she can actually put on foot in front of the other!
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I woke up to check out my new baby bump and went back to sleep. Can't believe God has brought me this far!(And that I haven't gone completely crazy)
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Also while I slept Chris helped Danny do his homework.
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I woke up and ate. after taking care of Emily, I decided to get some cleaning done. I took out all the trash.
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Cleaned all appliances and did the dishes.
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 So Bailey passed out.......
I sware that spot is cursed!
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Before Bailey went to sleep, she  took care of Angelica and I finished teaching Emily how to walk.(Finally!)
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Emily, though she takes forever to learn, is such a sweet child.
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I then got started on teaching her to talk. "Say Mommy??" "mmmmmmmmmma" 
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I fed my girl and fed myself, while Chris Painted.
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Bailey patted my tummy and exclaimed,"Im so happy for you! even though I think your crazy to have 100 babies, I will always be here for you!"
"Thanks," I replied with a smile,"I will also he here for you."
A smile spread across her lips,"i got a job and an apartment in town!"
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"Really thats amazing!"i said and gave her a big hug.
"I promise I will visit and i thank God for you, but its time for me to take care of my daughter on my own."
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Tears sprung to my eyes as I hugged her good-bye.
I worked on the chemistry table  and fed Emily. I went back to the Chemistry Table and a potion backfired!
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I was walking to the shower when contractions hit!
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I gave birth to Fred! He got brave and virtuso!
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OMG! I made green :) 
(me being stupid stared at the baby going "how the hell did yellow and blue make green?" I said it out loud and my sister looked at me like I was crazy,"Carissa, blue and yellow make green..............")
(Thanks for reading!)
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Chapter 10-A Baby That Isn't Mine

My baby Emily was tired so I put her to bed and took a nap myself. While Kids busied themselves with homework I spent some time teaching Danny to talk.
"Say bugs?"
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I had stopped to take care of Emily and eat. I fed Danny and put him to sleep. Right when danny was put to bed Emily started crying to be fed. her crys woke up Brianna, who wasn't very happy.
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I slept for four hours interrupted in between to take care of Emily. I woke up, finished teaching Danny to talk, had some food and started on birthdays.
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Emily was first :) she is such a cutie!
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Danny grew into the angler trait. "Who looks like a boy version of me?" "I do mom!"
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Girls better watch out! Here comes Chris who just scored The Nurturing trait.
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Brianna, *Sobs* has grown so much! She cut her hair and is a little less black and rebellious but its still there! Didn't write down her new trait,  listen to this weird music as I go look at her in the exchange
she got couch potato(Did I accidentally say she got snob/ well its actually slob oops!)
She is in the exchange here-
Also here is Anna :)-
And Angelica!-
I was really tired so Brianna put Emily to Bed and i slept for a couple hours. While I did so Chris painted and gained Skill 2.
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I took a shower, cleaned the dirty shower and repaired the sink. I really need to stop breaking all my appliances! 
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*tears spring to my eyes* So my baby girl graduated! We all got in out best clothes and walked to her Graduation.
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her Classmates voted her most Likely to Never Leave the Home, little did they know she was leaving soon.
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*Sobs a little more*
"Don't forget to call! And brush your teeth! And don't forget to Tell me if you get a boyfriend, and........"
"Mom! I got it!"  Brianna said with a laugh. She hugged me and left to her new home.
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I slept but was constantly woken up by a screaming Emily.
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I ate and put my little girl down for a nap. Brianna called and She got a job at the community center! I went to Parkers and check out his new look!
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I have to go to the bathroom really bad so he looks like pee...
But besides that he's pretty gorgeous!
So were about to go in the shower when a friend rang the door bell. I tried 5, FIVE for times and either I had to pee or he had to do something, finally I was so exhausted I couldn't do anything so I went home and slept.
Woke up and potty trained Emily ;)
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Chris has been such great help around the house when he isn't doing homework. He loves Emily and loves to toss her in the air. 
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he also finished a painting worth 31$.
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i was eating when I heard, "Aunt Bailey!!..........Whats wrong?"
I looked up in surprise to see Bailey running towards me in tears. I got up and ran towards her pulling her into my arms."What happened?" I whispered.
"He...H-he left  me!" 
Gasping, I pulled her into a hug and realized she was pregnant.
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"You can stay here with the baby as long as you can."   I said tears coming to my eyes. My poor baby sister!
Wiping away her tears she smiled, "Thank you!"
She was didn't feel well and spent most of her time in the bathroom and in bed.
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I went over to Parkers and you would think after 4 times he would get in the shower with me, wouldn't you?
I got back to Bailey screaming and holding her stomach.
It was to early for her to having her baby!
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I quickly rushed her to the hospital. After  6 hours of labor, she gave birth to a tiny little girl who she named..........
After me! Angelica Spear!
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(Thanks for reading!)
My sims 3 is ckrulesinak
Forum for this challenge is here-Click